A Thrifty Thanksgiving Day #3- Pie Face Review

20121121-093953.jpg Tomorrow is the day- I hope you’ve been enjoying this week’s Thrifty Thanksgiving posts. Today we go on a thrifty meat pie adventure. When meat pies are mentioned I’m sure that most minds flood with images of Miss Lovett’s questionable basement pie shop from Sweeney Todd. On Monday I had the pleasure to try out NYC’s latest Australian import: Pie Face, and much like the chorus in Sweeney Todd sings- Yum.

Pie Face is a retail bakery café chain specializing in gourmet Australian meat pies and quality espresso. Each pie has a face piped onto it indicating the pies filling. Pie Face Pies are made at a central kitchen in Brooklyn and sent to the two manhattan locations(with more slated to open in the new year). On my visit I tried three mini pies, a thanksgiving turkey “stack”(what they call the larger pies), and three mini dessert pies. I was thrilled with the way each pie tasted. My favorite was a tie between the tandoori vegetables and the thanksgiving stack(what they call the larger personal sized pies). The Vegetable pie packed a lovely indian spice punch and proved that a vegetarian option could stand up strong in a meat based restaurant. The Thanksgiving stack is a roast Turkey pie filled with stuffing and topped off with a crave worthy  mashed sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce. It was the perfect piece of thanksgiving in every bite. I discovered what makes their pies so delicious and different is that the top is made with puff pastry as opposed to the same crust as the bottom. This ensures that each smiling pie is crispy, crunchy, and very tasty.

So thrifty foodies- Here we are the day before thanksgiving- Perhaps you’ve already planned and pre-cooked your meal, but if you’re a little late jumping onto the thanksgiving train I highly recommend heading down to Pie Face where you can pick up your entire meal from tiny pies to full sized dessert pies. I went to whole foods this afternoon and was faced with a 30 minute line. Save yourself some trouble and go on an adventure to Pie Face.


Three Mini Dessert Pies
For Further Adventures….

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Filed under Small Kitchen Cooking, Thrifty Adventures

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