Thrifty Tip: Caramelizing Onions & French Onion Soup

I love French onion soup- a while back I got this cookbook talking about how to make a very proper onion soup- the way they would teach you in culinary school- just water, salt, and onions. Well friends, from cooking that soup I fell in love with the taste of caramelized onions. The massive problem with slowly cooking on the stove is that it takes FOREVER to sweat the onions– simple solution: crock pot. Here’s an easy way to make homemade French onion soup with half the effort.

French Onion Soup
3 lbs white onions- chopped
1 tbs smart balance butter
1 tsp kosher salt
2.5 cups water-3.5 cups(depending on how much broth you like in your soup)
1/3 cup red wine
2 tbs red wine vinegar
A few grinds of fresh pepper/salt to taste

Spray crock pot insert with cooking spray and place butter into bottom. Chop onions and fill crock pot. It should be super full— almost touching the top. Sprinkle salt over onions and cook on low heat for about 10 hours. You can stir them occasionally if you want to but I just left them alone overnight. Onions will sweat out a ton of water and then will turn brown and caramelize. At this point you can remove the onions & package them up to freeze them(or top a pizza, add to mashed potatoes, add to pasta salad— really they’re delicious in everything)— OR you can save them for soup

To make French onion soup:

Add caramelized onions, water, vinegar, and red wine to a soup pot. Bring to low simmer for 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with some grated mozzarella cheese on top and a crouton.

Super super easy and delicious- Enjoy!


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Filed under Dinner, Quick & Easy, Small Kitchen Cooking, thrifty tips

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