Mulled Wine(in the crockpot of course…)

Lets be real for a second- holidays always end up revolving around drinking. There is nothing more lovely and seasonal than curling up with a very large glass of mulled wine. I found this recipe a few months ago on 365 Crockpot and fell in love with it. It makes the whole apartment smell amazing and is a fun different way to drink your $3 bottles of Trader Joes wine. I ended up messing with the ingredients a little so it tasted more like wine and less like warm sangria. The next time you’re going out to buy a sensible six pack of wine for your holiday party(if you had to travel 100 blocks to get 2 buck chuck you’d get 6 bottles too…) grab a few oranges and make this drink for your guests!

Crockpot Mulled Wine

2 Bottles of not so great cheap wine

3 oranges 

3/4 cup white sugar

1/3 tsp allspice

1/4 tsp cinnamon

5 cinnamon sticks

Fill your crockpot with the wine, sugar, and spices. Zest one of the oranges and add it into the wine mix. Juice two of the oranges into the wine and slice up the other orange. Add the sliced orange pieces and cinnamon sticks. Cook on low for 4 hours then switch it to warm. 

Be careful not to leave it on so long that it boils- Boiling removes the alcohol content and thats totally not the point of drinking during the holidays 🙂



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Filed under Appetizers & Snacks, Fall Favortes, Party Entertaining Ideas, Quick & Easy, Small Kitchen Cooking

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