Chicken Divan

Happy thanksgiving week everyone! Whenever I’ve got a big week ahead of me I always like to make something delicious for the week ahead of time that will last a few meals. Casseroles. Simple and delicious- Every southern ladies favorite past time…and we all know that everyone has a southern lady deep down inside of them just itching to come out and play. When I get to the beginning of the month and I’m anxiously waiting for my ridiculous NYC rent check to clear I tend to be pinching pennies when it comes to food money. This family recipe is one my mom used to make every week or two growing up and it brings back such fond memories of family dinners in Georgia. It costs just under $10 to make and will last days (and even tastes better after a day in the fridge)

Chicken Divan
2 cans of cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1-cup light mayo
1 tbs lemon juice
1/2 bag frozen broccoli
1/2 bag frozen mixed veggies
1 cup diced cooked chicken
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1/2 cup cheddar cheese
1/2 stick butter or butter substitute melted
Preheat oven to 350. Layer the veggies and chicken on the bottom of a square-baking dish. Mix together the soups, mayo, and lemon juice. Pour the mixture on top of the chicken. Melt the butter and mix together with cheddar cheese and breadcrumbs in a small bowl. Pour the breadcrumb mixture over the top of everything and spread out evenly. Bake for 35-45 minutes. Serve over rice.

This dish is super simple to make. I didn’t have any store bought bread crumbs so I ended up toasting a few pieces of old bread until they were super hard and then putting them in the food processor. Enjoy and have a sensible and thrifty thanksgiving!


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Filed under Dinner, New York City, Quick & Easy, Small Kitchen Cooking

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